Episode 246: Your Core Values Define Your Agency

Have you defined your core values for your agency?

Delving into the crucial role of core values in businesses, particularly agency businesses. I cannot stress enough that core values shape an organization’s culture and identity, influencing everything from hiring decisions to conflict resolution. Through insightful examples and practical tips, I reveal the significance of living and embodying core values within a team, while emphasizing the impact of core values on brand perception and community engagement.

Join us as I explore the 3-step process of defining and integrating core values, and how they contribute to creating a better business culture and leadership.


  • Core values in business for personal and professional success.
  • How core values shape discipline, rewards, and training in the insurance agency business. Time and effort are needed to develop, share, and implement core values.
  • Foundation for an organization’s future success and should be more than just words on a wall.
  • Ownership, core values, personal & organizational level, attitudes & behaviors, impact organization.
  • Consistently reinforced through praise, recognition, and discipline.
  • Start with brainstorming, then narrow down core values in a 1-on-1 session.

Until next time, get out there and make a difference, be unstoppable, and leave no regrets!

Mike Stromsoe
The Unstoppable Profit Producer
Call 800-770-9984

Email: [email protected]

Website: http://unstoppableprofitproducer.com/

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Podcast: http://unstoppableprofitpodcast.com

If you want to learn more about our Coaching & Mastermind Programs and how they can help you grow your agency business, schedule your private Agency Growth Session with Mike Stromsoe Now (click here)!

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