Episode 41 : The Third P – Promotion

The Sexy P – Promotion

A few quick thoughts before your mind moves to the weekend. Please make sure you jot down the Top 10 Reasons to Stay in Touch on your “implement, execute and take action” plan calendar for Monday. I will guarantee your competitors are…..

I just spent almost 3 hours with two of the brighter minds in the insurance industry and I am blown away how far behind some agencies are in today’s marketplace. Don’t risk being one of the casualties.


Here are the Top 10 Reasons to stay in touch:

  1. Most businesses lose 10-17% of their business every year.


  1. 62% of your clients aren’t taking advantage of all of your products or services.


  1. 91% of our customers say they would give us a referral, but 80% haven’t been encouraged to do so!


  1. Simply saying thank you to your customer will increase your business by 17%.


  1. You lose 10% of your influence for every month that you don’t have contact with your client.


  1. A 5% increase in customer loyalty could yield 20-80% to your bottom line.


  1. Studies show that an average prospect won’t do business with you until they’ve seen or heard from you or your message at least 7 times.


  1. 79% of all trade show leads aren’t followed up with. Most business from a trade show comes from the vendor following up with the prospect.


  1. 66% of your business within the next year will come from your sphere of influence.


  1. 80% of sales are made on the fifth to twelfth contact.


What is working for you? Why or why not? As marketers, we test. Are you testing consistently?  Need help?  Respond today, we will be helping you tomorrow.

Are You Ready To Take Your Agency Business To The Next Level?

You’re invited to join us and hundreds of other forward-thinking, high-achieving agency owners, just like you, October 21 – 23, 2019 for the 2019 BeUnstoppable Bootcamp in beautiful San Diego, California!

Here’s what other agents have to say about Mike Stromsoe and the BeUnstoppable Bootcamps:

Don’t wait…. Reserve Your Seat Today and Save – visit www.BeUnstoppableBootcamp.com today!

Thank you for the opportunity to serve you.  What more can we do for you?



Mike Stromsoe

The Unstoppable Profit Producer

Call 800-770-9984 Today!

Episode 33 : Staying in Front of Your Marketplace Part 2

Retain The Clients You Already Have

Please make sure you jot down the Top 10 Reasons to Stay in Touch on your “implement, execute and take action” plan calendar for Monday. I will guarantee your competitors are…..

I just spent almost 3 hours with two of the brighter minds in the insurance industry and I am blown away how far behind some agencies are in today’s marketplace. Don’t risk being one of the casualties.


Here are the Top 10 Reasons to stay in touch:

  1. Most businesses lose 10-17% of their business every year.
  2. 62% of your clients aren’t taking advantage of all of your products or services.
  3. 91% of our customers say they would give us a referral, but 80% haven’t been encouraged to do so!
  4. Simply saying thank you to your customer will increase your business by 17%.
  5. You lose 10% of your influence for every month that you don’t have contact with your client.
  6. A 5% increase in customer loyalty could yield 20-80% to your bottom line.
  7. Studies show that an average prospect won’t do business with you until they’ve seen or heard from you or your message at least 7 times.
  8. 79% of all trade show leads aren’t followed up with. Most business from a trade show comes from the vendor following up with the prospect.
  9. 66% of your business within the next year will come from your sphere of influence.
  10. Only 3% of the mail we receive is personal.

What is working for you? Why or why not? As marketers, we test. Are you testing consistently?  Need help?  Respond today, we will be helping you tomorrow.

Make it a GREAT weekend, NO other options!

To your massive success,


Mike Stromsoe

The Unstoppable Profit Producer

Episode 29 : Accelerate Your Sales Growth

Have you ever been part of a great team?

A team where you loved to come to work every morning, a team that charged you up with energy, and a team that encouraged you to accomplish goals you thought were impossible. On this team you felt a great sense of belonging and believed that others had your back in every situation.

A team is more than a group of people who work together. A high performing team is a group of people who share a common vision, goals, metrics and who collaborate, challenge and hold each other accountable to achieve outstanding results.

This weeks podcast is all about creating a high performance sales team!

Episode 23 : Snail Mail Your Team

Motivate Your Team – All of the Time

Our encouragement and motivation doesn’t stop at the office.  We even use snail mail! We like to send direct mail pieces to our people on a regular basis. A lot of business owners may think this idea is strange—we see these people every day, so why pay for postage to send them something in the mail when we could just walk over and hand it to them? It really comes down to the elements of surprise and intrigue. Sure, you could hand someone an envelope, but what if it showed up unannounced at the person’s door? The effect is much more dramatic.

One year we had a direct mail campaign to the team members’ home addresses that lasted an entire year. We had set a goal that year of getting 90 new applications per month. We had nine team members at the time, so we divided 90 by 9 to reach a value of $10. We included a written example of this goal with $10 bill attached, every month, to the team members’ home. We encouraged sharing with the entire family.  The $10 represented a number that, when multiplied, equaled their monthly goal for attracting new business.  Then we sent out another follow-up, motivational note two weeks later. They received a motivational note and a reminder every two weeks, all year long, to keep this goal in the cross-hairs.

If all it takes to help your team feel important and needed is to spend a little money on some paper and postage, then I say that is one wise investment. Take care of your people, and they will take care of you.

If you are ready to take your leadership skills to a whole new level, you’re invited to join us at the next BeUnstoppable 2018 Bootcamp November 8-10 in San Diego, CA!  Check out all of the details at www.BeUnstoppableBootcamp.com today and save over $200!

Here’s what other agents had to say after taking action and attending Mike Stromsoe’s BeUnstoppable Bootcamps:

Take Action Now and Change The Face Of Your Agency Forever – Reserve Your Seat Today at www.BeUnstoppableBootcamp.com!

Please share this podcast with others that might benefit and comment below what you’re doing to keep your team consistently motivated and productive.

Episode 20 : Special Guest Bill Butler

Niches to Riches at the 10,000 Foot Level…

Niche marketing can be a lot of different things… It could be that you are a restaurant insurance agency, a work comp insurance agency, etc…

What you’re niching in doesn’t really matter, but the fact that you are doing mostly the same thing, or have large segments of business in a particular niche, not only gives you more authority with your underwriters in your companies, it puts you in a position of leadership and authority within the industry to jump from one carrier to another.

This is exactly what today’s Special Guest has done and he is becoming the Authority in his specific niche marketplace and now he will share his insider secrets.  Please welcome the Unstoppable Bill Butler!

Just imagine how this affects your agency team. When they are dealing with the same type of mentality day in and day out, time after time, they tend to keep talking the same talk, walking the same walk. It becomes much less likely they will make a mistake. In the same breath, their confidence in their voice to the marketplace becomes that much greater, because they know what they are talking about.

And don’t lose sight of this, it’s absolutely true, I’ve verified time and time and time again: these people talk to each other. If you go to seminars or conventions on an annual basis, your marketplace is ALL there, they’re all talking to each other, and they’re all trying to pick each other’s brains on who’s the best at what, including insurance. I’ve done trade shows for years in particular niche markets.

When you’re the go-to person, you’re the one they’re talking about, and you’re the only one that they’re talking about, and all of a sudden, as Michael Gladwell, the author, so aptly put it in his book The Tipping Point, “Pretty soon, the paradigm has shifted in your favor.” You become the one, you become the ONLY ONE, and all of a sudden that entire marketplace wants to do business with nobody else but YOU.

Now let me warn you, this does not happen overnight, it takes a lot of persistence.

You must know the marketplace… What keeps them up at night?

Happy marketing,


Mike Stromsoe
The Unstoppable Profit Producer
Phone: 800-770-9984
Email: [email protected]

Episode 19 : Special Guest Jesse Parenti

The Recipe For Green Dough

Every single business has competition. Whether you’re an insurance agent, attorney, a bookkeeper, a nonprofit consultant, or a sustainability consultant, there are hundreds or thousands of other people out there who do what you do.

If a prospective client is considering investing in the product/service that you provide, you must answer this question… Why should they do business with you over and above all other options?

One of the best ways you can to answer this question and demonstrate your value is to specialize in a niche. This could mean focusing on a particular industry (such as restaurants, contractors, etc.) or a specific line of business (such as Workers Comp, E & O, etc.). This has two benefits. First, you can provide more value to your clients because you have honed your expertise in an area relevant to them, and second, you limit the competition you face.

On this episode Unstoppable ProfitPodcast, we have the honor of interviewing one of the most powerful niche players in our industry, Mr. Jesse Parenti.  Jesse is nationally known as THE KING of his niche and now he is going to give you the insider’s recipe for GREEN DOUGH!

Share in the comments below what your niche or micro-niche is and why people choose to do business with you over and above all other options.

Now go out and make a difference, be unstoppable and leave no regrets!

What more can we do for you?


Mike Stromsoe

PS “When you try to be everything to everyone, you accomplish being nothing to anyone.” – Bonnie Gillespie

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